So, if you're someone that's looking to make money online as a side hustle because maybe you're working a full-time job well I'm going to take you through the top side hustles that I would recommend any beginner to start in 2023 and Beyond...
By the way none of these side hustles are in any particular order but faceless YouTube channel is simply where you're going to create videos obviously not showing your face on camera and the goal is to publish content on a consistent basis send it around one particular Niche and the goal is to earn money from various different sources whether it's AdSense affiliate marketing brand deals whatever the case is but this is definitely something that you're going to be able to do on the side because there's various different AI tools and AI butts out there that you're going to be able to use when it comes to creating the videos the steps you need to take for you to do this successfully is to number one find a YouTube channel that you want to replicate step number two study the way that they create their videos in a way that they're able to get a decent amount of views and then step number three is to take some sort of action so that you're going to be able to be on the path of being able to earn a source of income from your faceless YouTube channel alright so moving on to side hustle number two which is one day I don't really see that many YouTubers talking about which is to start doing Forex and for those of you that don't know exactly what Forex is it's basically where you're going to trade one currency pair against another and because there's always fluctuations that are happening in the market you're going to be able to trade the difference as long as you know what you're doing now of course there's a lot more that goes into this and this is actually one ofthe initial side hustles that I started off with it's not something that I put too much time into nowadays but the reason why I believe that it's a great side hustle to get into is because you don't need any stock you don't need any inventory you're going to be able to essentially start trading from your laptop you are going to need some sort of capital to get things up and running but you're not going to need that much the key when it comes to doing Forex is to understand that it's a skill that you're going to be able to have for the rest of your life.The skills you learn stay with you forever
So moving on to side, also number 3 which is upload YouTube shorts there's so many YouTube channels out there that are getting millions of views on a 30 second video and whenever you do come across these videos you're probably thinking to yourself
Being honest with you I don't believe that they're making a lot of money when it comes to Google AdSense the way that they're making money is by doing things like affiliate marketing and also selling their own products or Services as long as you're able to give the viewer all of the information they need from the 30 second video, You're then going to be able to direct them to the link in your PIN comment or in your description where you're then going to be able to promote whatever product that you want to sell for eg; an ebook or some sort of digital product that the customer is going to be able to and use instantly
Moving on to another side hustle which is high ticket affiliate marketing now for those of you that don't really know exactly what affiliate marketing is this is basically where you're going to promote another company's product or service and whenever someone clicks your unique link and buys that product or service; you're going to be able to earn a commission
There's so many different ways that you can do affiliate marketing but two of the ways that you can do it is low ticket affiliate marketing and high ticket affiliate marketing and the way that high ticket affiliate marketing works is very simple; what you need to do first and foremost is go on to an affiliate marketplace where you're going to be able to find a product or service that's priced really high and when I say really high this is all dependent on what you believe you're going to be ableto sell successfully but the key thing you want to look out for is the commissions that you're going to be able to earn because if you're promoting a product where you're going to be able to earn let's say only 20 of course, the amount of profit that you're going to make is going to be a lot less than; if you're promoting a product that you're going to be able to earn let's say 60 commissions but whatever is high ticket affiliate marketing can be a great lucrative option especially if you're working a full-time job because you're not going to have to get that many sales for you to make a decent amount of profit so...
moving on to another side hustle which is; to start a repurposed content Instagram theme page and I know that this might sound a little bit confusing but the way that it works is that you're gonna go on to platforms like Tik Tock and YouTube shorts and what you're essentially going to do is find pieces of content that people have engaged with it doesn't need to be viral content it could just be specific content in the niche that you're looking to build your Instagram theme page around and you can make some tweaks and some changes to it whether you're going to put text on it or whether you're going to put some sort of background music then what you're going to do is post that content on your Instagram page multiple times a day and posting rules multiple different times a day and a lot more
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